Tron简单介绍就是一个去中心化的区块链网络,专为 娱乐 和内容创作而设计的系统,包含社交媒体平台、内容平台,用户可在创作后经过授权后共享和交易,创作形式包含文字、图片、音频或者影片,主要以四项功能来实现:
4.不仅是智能合约:建立去中心化基础设施以及更复杂的资产设施,如 游戏 Dapp和市场预测。
Tron的目标是建立一整套共识机制,能够以极低成本解决网络交易的身份识别和个人征信问题,并使用点对点交易避免传统集中式的清算结构;同时,Tron可在不同使用者、不同开发者之间充当托管者的角色,确保数据的真实合规性。这两点均能够大大提高整个全球化 娱乐 经济体系的运转效率,去中心化的经济运作模式本身就是市场经济系统的典型特征,交易成本的降低将促使消费需求大幅提高,从而带来全球 娱乐 经济体系的蓬勃发展。
Tron网络资源有三种:带宽,CPU和储存,几乎都是无限的,但是当有过多无关紧要的交易消耗过多的带宽和CPU资源时,会导致系统阻塞,影响正常交易的处理速度。为了保持交易的相对公平,Tron引入了Bandwidth point和Energy(能量)两种资源,带宽消耗的是Bandwidth Points,而CPU消耗的是Energy。在普通交易仅消耗Bandwidth Points,智能合约的操作除了消耗Bandwidth Points还会消耗Energy。就如同以EOS比喻,用户间交易只需要消耗抵押型的CPU、Network,开发者的智能合约需要消耗抵押型的CPU、Network外,还有消耗购买型的RAM。
除了查询操作,任何交易包含普通转账或发行Token转账,都需要消耗bandwidth points以及交易时需要建立账户。
交易时需要建立账户时的状况发生在,如果目标账户不存在,转账操作就会变成建立账户并转账,但这种状况只会扣除建立账户消耗的Bandwidth Points,转账的部分就不会再消耗额外的Bandwidth Points。
获取Bandwidth Points分两种,一种是通过冻结TRX获取的Bandwidth Points,另一种是系统每24小是会给每个账户5000点的Bandwidth Points,普通转账一次消耗200点,一天大概可以进行25次的免费交易。
#比特币[超话]# #欧易OKEx# #数字货币#
How to Solve the Financial Crisis
The financial crisis deepens. The bailouts are piecemeal and national, whereas the crisis is global. What’s worse, the policy responses are not based on a clear diagnosis of the underlying problem.
Some politicians talk as if this crisis were merely about illiquidity: banks don’t have enough liquid assets to meet their current obligations. If this were so, the problem would already have been solved. The reason is that most countries have three institutions in place that generally prevent this sort of thing from happening: (1) central banks that are “lenders of last resort”, (2) depositors are insured (up to a specified maximum) and (3) banks are regulated and supervised.
But the problem now is different. Once we understand it, we are close to finding a solution. It is not just a matter of potential illiquidity, but also of potential insolvency: the total assets of many financial institutions could fall short of their total liabilities. At the current fire-sale asset prices, they’re in danger of going broke. The central banks can’t help here, since they lend only for short periods against highly-rated collateral.
The difficulty is that some of the troubled financial institutions are too large too fail (their demise would wipe out too much wealth, shut down too many businesses, throw too many people into unemployment) and are very contagious (their bankruptcy would lead to the bankruptcy of other large institutions). That is why we’ve seen lots of case-by-case bailouts (Bear Stearns, AIG, Fannie Mae und Freddi Mac, Fortis, Bradford and Bingley, Wachovia, Glitnir, etc.), climaxing in the largest, the Paulson plan.
We know how we got into this mess. In very broad brush strokes, it happened like this: (a) Due explicit and implicit state guarantees to banks and their creditors, as well as a lamentable lack of associated regulation, banks faced low costs of risk. So, predictably, they invested in increasingly risky assets, such as subprime mortgage loans. (b) Due to low interest rates, banks faced low costs of borrowing. Thus they became highly leveraged. This meant that even a slight decline in their assets could destroy lots of their equity. (c) Like the regular banking sector, the “shadow banking sector” (money market funds, hedge funds, investment funds, private equity firms, suppliers of commercial paper, insurers such as AIG) funded its short-term liabilities with long-term assets, but the latter faced far less regulation. The result of “regulatory arbitrage,” moving risky business to where it is least regulated.
The rest is history: When the housing bubble burst, the value of mortgage-backed securities fell, and this left many financial institutions with too little capital relative to their debt. Thus they sold whatever assets they could (not just the mortgage-backed securities) and this drove asset prices down further, extending the problem to other financial institutions. With the exception of the Paulson plan, governments have responded to this crisis in a piecemeal fashion, deciding about one institution at a time (Bear Stearns yes, Lehman no). This raised investor uncertainty, leading to a general panic that spread to the money market funds.
If you agree that this is basically the problem, then a solution to this financial crisis is, in my judgment, could run along the following lines. Just as the problem of potential illiquidity can be addressed by “lenders of last resort” (the central banks), so the problem of potential insolvency can be tackled by “buyers of last resort.” The latter are the treasuries and finance ministries that can buy shares or warrants in the troubled financial institutions, thereby providing them with capital they have been lacking. Of course this capital infusion would have to come with additional regulation and supervision.
This sort of solution has been staring us in the face for some time. The broad idea was applied to the recent string of troubled institutions (Fannie and Freddie, AIG, Washington Mutual, Wachovia, Bradford and Bingley, Fortis, etc.). The U.S. government used it to get out of the savings-and-loans crisis of the early 1980s, as did the Swedish government to overcome its financial crisis of 1992. All we need to do now, in this world of global finance, is make it a reliable pillar of our global financial architecture.
Under my proposed solution, each government should establish a trust company that identifies the highly contagious (alias “systemically significant”) financial institutions which cannot be allowed to fail. These institutions receive a solvency insurance and, in return, become bound by new regulatory requirements. For example, the institutions could be required to retain a 10 percent stake in their securitized products and to publicize higher stakes they may hold. In addition, the trust company could require debt-for-equity swaps for institutions with excessively high leverage ratios. Thereby the institutions would reduce their liabilities relative to their assets, with the immediate expense shared by the shareholders and taxpayers. Finally, the trust company would have the duty to sell its stakes in these institutions within the next decade, with the sole objective of maximizing the taxpayers’ return.
Since both the regular and shadow banking sectors contain highly contagious financial institutions, both should receive comparable regulation and supervision. This is necessary to avoid regulatory arbitrage. But in this financially interdependent world, regulatory arbitrage is an international phenomenon. The only way to overcome it is through international coordination. As an important step in this direction, coordination among E.U. governments is essential. What is required is a harmonized institutional mechanism – through a central agency or a consortium of existing institutions – to coordinate and oversee the regulatory and supervisory activities of countries, monitor global financial risks, implement a globally integrated financial early warning system, and coordinate internationally the obligations of the buyers of last resort.
In the longer run, the world community should strive to perform these functions through a global monetary agency.
We can be under no illusions: providing solvency insurance is potentially dangerous, since the insured institutions have an almighty incentive to take excessive risks. This is the reason why the concomitant regulation and supervision, coordinated internationally, is so important. As it is, governments are bailing out one troubled institution after another, but often without the regulatory and supervisory safeguards. This creates serious problems for the future.
In short, the solution can be summarized in one sentence: Just as we have overcome the problem of potential systemic illiquidity through a lender of last resort plus deposit insurance regulation and supervision, so we must now overcome the problem of potential systemic insolvency through a buyer of last resort plus solvency insurance, debt-to-equity swaps, regulation and supervision.
This solution above requires courage, which is exactly what these dangerous times demand. The present financial crisis is truly global, requiring a globally coordinated response. Saving one financial institution at a time, each country for itself, can’t solve the problem. On the contrary, it would spread more uncertainty and fear, which would further undermine the global financial system. If we all had the assurance that a new world financial order was in place – that not only defended us from contagious illiquidity through lenders of last resort, but also protected us from contagious insolvency through buyers of last resort – then the widespread fear and distrust in financial markets would dissipate. Confidence could return and thereby the dangers of illiquidity and insolvency of the major financial institutions would recede. We all know that international cooperation is difficult. But as we look into the abyss, contemplating the possibility that the life savings of hundreds of millions could disappear as jobs and businesses are destroyed around the world, it should be clear to all major heads of state, all policy makers and voters, that we must grasp our responsibility to implement the required globally cooperative response.
电子人民币即指Digital Currency Electronic Payment,Digital Currency为数字货币,Electronic Payment为电子支付,两者连接起来合称为“数字货币电子支付”,简称DC/EP。简单来说,电子人民币就是把实体的人民币数字化,可通过电子形式支付。
数字人民币(E-CNY),又称数字货币电子支付(Digital Currency Electronic Payment,缩写:DC/EP),是由中国人民银行发行的数字形式的法定货币,由指定运营机构参与运营并向公众兑换,以广义账户体系为基础,支持银行账户松耦合功能,与纸钞硬币等价,具有价值特征和法偿性,支持可控匿名。
EA是公司名称的缩写,全名是Electronic Arts,电子竞技的艺术,简称艺电,名下的游戏数不胜数,当年叱咤风云的NBA LIVE系列,极品飞车系列,几乎在10年的时间里面,EA公司垄断了整个单机游戏的市场,现在依旧还在推出很多极其优秀的游戏作品。
是世界最早便携式数码产品的开创者,是世界最大的电子产品制造商之一、世界电子游戏业三大巨头之一、美国好莱坞六大电影公司之一。其旗下品牌有Xperia,Walkman,Sony music,哥伦比亚电影公司,PlayStation等。
很多人不知道索尼做游戏做的也很厉害,但主要做的是移动端上的,ps上的游戏,主要代表作有战神系列 ICO 旺达与巨像 大众高尔夫 捉猴系列 死魂曲 GT赛车系列 小小大星球 天剑 杀戮地带系列 审判之眼 龙穴 机车风暴系列 抵抗系列 失落的传承 神秘海域系列
No 1、 B网(Bittrex)
No 2、P网(poloniex)
No 3、Bitfinex
No 4、Bithumb
No 5、Coinone
No 6、bitFlyer
No 7、OKCoin币行
No 8、Korbit
总部地址位于韩国,Korbit是韩国当前最大的比特币交易所,2014年8月获A轮300万美元的融资,此轮融资由软银韩国风险公司和Pantera资本领衔,BAM风险公司,比特币机遇公司(Bitcoin Opportunity Corp),蒂姆·德雷珀(Tim Draper)等参与。
No 9、K网(kraken)
No 10、聚币网
交易所作为数字货币市场中的枢纽,起到了桥梁的作用,让投资者和项目方联系起来。全球币圈有十大常用的交易所,分别是:(1)币安网 Binance;(2)OKEX;(3)火币网;(4)CoinbasePro;(5)Bitfinex;(6)Bittrex;(7)Kraken;(8)BitMEX;(9)Bitflyer;(10)双子星 Gemini。
1、 币安网。币安交易平台是一群数字资产爱好者创建而成的一个专注区块链姿模资产的交易平台。总部位于日本东京,是目前中文交易所里最具影响力的平台之一。Binance由“Binary”和“Finance”的融合变形组成,意为数字科技与金融的融合。
2、 OKEX。OKEx是全球著名的数迹和缓字资产交易平台之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的币币和衍生品交易服务,隶属于 ACX Malta Technology Company Limited。
3、 火币网。火币全球专业站是火币集团旗下服务于全球专业交易用户的创新数字资产国际站,致力于发现优质的创新数字资产投资机会,目前提供四十多种数字资产品类的交易及投资服务,总部位于新加坡。
4、 CoinbasePro。CoinbasePro总部设立在美国,为用户提供安全的平台,方便用户进行各种数字资产投资。
5、 Bitfinex。Bitfinex是iFinex Inc.公司所有和经营的数字货币交易平台,提供多种数字货币交易服务、保证金融资,以及比特币和莱特币的保证金交易。目前占有全世界数字货币交易平台市场份额的8%左右。
6、 Bittrex。Bittrex成立于2014年,是美国的数字资产交易所,国内用户称其为"B网",提供币币交易、美元OTC交易。
7、 Kraken。Kraken成立于2011年,总部位于旧金山,是欧元交易量最大的比特币国际站。
8、 BitMEX。BitMEX建立于塞舌尔共和国,是最先进的比特币衍生品国际站,对于比特币类产品提供高达100倍的杠杆,同时也提供针对其它数字货币产品的高杠杆。BitMEX自内而外采用最新的多重因素安全机制,安全性能高。
9、 Bitflyer。Bitflyer由高盛前员工创立,总部在日本。2015年以来,该公司推出了许多新服务,包括bitFlyerLightning、为专业人士设计的比特币国际站、chainflyer区块链浏览器等。
10、 双子星 Gemini。Gemini双子星是由Winklevoss兄弟创立的比特币和以太坊国际站,是一家数字货币金融投资平台和托管机构,允许客户投资和储存数字资产,直接受纽约州金融棚誉服务部门的监管。